A Nationally Recognised Qualification is a formal qualification, [Read more…]
Student information
Important Learner information:
Non – accredited Courses
Casey College offers a wide range of non-accredited courses that are of the highest quality [Read more…]
Foundation skills
Foundation skills is the term used to cover the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) five core skills, plus employability skills as described in the Core Skills for Work framework.
Learner Code of Conduct
Learners are responsible and accountable for their own behaviour and conduct, and are expected to observe the following standards at all times:
Learners Rights
As a participant in one of our course, you are entitled to: [Read more…]
Learners Responsibilities
You must also agree to: [Read more…]
Learner Performance and Disciplinary action
Learners are required to meet all responsibilities and conditions outlined by the Casey College framework.
Change of Details
If you move or change your name, [Read more…]
Course Fees
This course is subsidised by the NSW Government, any fees and charges will be made clear prior to finalising your enrolment. [Read more…]
Issuing the Qualifications
Once you have successfully completed your qualification or units of competency, [Read more…]