Recognition is an assessment process that may credit some or all of the unit/s of competency of your chosen course.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment pathway which recognises your skills, knowledge and experiences gained through work experience, life experience, workplace training, volunteering etc., and recognising learning outcomes you may have already achieved. This pathway requires you to submit evidence to be assessed against units of competency from Nationally Recognised Training (NRT). This may reduce/eliminate the amount of training required to gain a qualification,
Credit Transfer
Credit Transfer is a process of “crediting” learning outcomes you have already achieved based on completed components of another qualification or formal learning. A Credit Transfer reduces the amount of learning required to achieve a qualification. This means that if you are eligible for a Credit Transfer, you will not be required to repeat that unit.
When applying for Recognition and supplying your evidence to Casey College we will need to prove that your evidence complies with the Standards for Registered Training organisations 2015 by establishing that the evidence is:
Valid – evidence must relate directly to the requirements of the unit of competency. In ensuring evidence is valid, ensuring that the evidence collected supports demonstration of the outcomes and performance requirements of the unit of competency together with the knowledge and skills necessary for competent performance
Sufficient – relates to the quality and quantity of evidence assessed. It requires collection of enough appropriate evidence to ensure that all aspects of competency have been satisfied and that competency can be demonstrated repeatedly. Supplementary sources of evidence may be necessary. The specific evidence requirements of each unit of competency provide advice on sufficiency.
Current – In assessment, currency relates to the age of the evidence presented by a Learner to demonstrate that they are still competent. Competency requires demonstration of current performance, so the evidence collected must be from either the present or the very recent past.
Authentic – To accept evidence as authentic, an assessor must be assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the candidate’s own work.
All Learners are entitled to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning or Credit Transfer, if you believe you may be eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning or a Credit Transfer you will be required to complete the Recognition Package application and supply all required evidence, please speak to your training coordinator if you would like to apply for either Recognition of Prior learning or Credit Transfer. Steps to making an application through Casey College:
- Contact your Training Consultant to obtain a Recognition Application and Agreement relevant to the qualification you wish to obtain.
- Complete the Application and Agreement pack and gather your evidence.
- Contact Casey College to book an appointment with a Trainer and Assessor to discuss your application.
- Your trainer and assessor will review and discuss your application and evidence during this appointment, you may be asked to for further evidence including:
- Challenge assessments
If you are unable to provide documentary evidence that demonstrates that you can competently perform the tasks taught in the unit, then you may be given the opportunity to display your skill in a challenge activity. The activity will be like that which you would do if you attended class and did the assessments. The challenge activity will relate to the Learning Outcomes of the unit/s.
You may be able to combine your method of recognition assessment by providing documents for part of the unit/s and doing a challenge activity for the rest. If you choose to be tested by portfolio, and the portfolio is not adequate to demonstrate competence, then you may be given an opportunity to undertake a challenge activity. - Verbal questioning
Verbal questioning means answering questions from the trainer and assessor that are relevant to the unit/s to confirm your knowledge of the subject. - Skills demonstration
Skills demonstration means that you may be required to perform tasks outlines in the elements and performance criteria of the unit of competency. - Workplace assessment
Workplace assessment means that a trainer and assessor will visit your workplace to observe you performing in your job role.
- The trainer and assessor must make an assessment judgement, this may take up to six (6) weeks from the date of your interview, you will receive notification of the outcome from your Trainer and Assessor.
- If you do not agree with the outcome you may lodge an appeal; please refer to the Appeals process below.
Collecting your Evidence
Learners have the responsibility to gather and assemble all required evidence to support their application for Recognition of Prior Learning or Credit Transfer. Learners must provide evidence that assists the trainer and assessor to make an assessment judgement confirming your competency for the unit/s confirming that you meet the learning outcomes of the unit.
Types of Evidence
Types of evidence will vary depending on the qualification your application relates to. When applying for Recognition of Prior Learning or Credit Transfer we may ask you to submit the evidence below:
- Certification documentation for Nationally Recognised Training
- Current Resume
- Signed Statement of hours from your Employer
- Evidence of experience in the past twelve (12) months
- Job description/statement of duties
- Referee/references x 2
- Evidence of committee work such as official minutes of meetings
- Samples of work
- Completed materials/tools from the workplace
- Video demonstrating competence
- Photos demonstrating competence
- Published works i.e.: operational manuals, letters, memos, policies written at work etc.
- Rosters/timesheets
- Community Industry Awards
- Any certificate of recognition for workplace training
Please note that all evidence must be current meaning that the evidence must be from the present or very recent past, within the last 12 months.
How much will Recognition cost me?
There are costs associated with your application for Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer, please speak to your Training Consultant to discuss the options.
Casey College will honour all mutual recognition requirements as specified by the standards. Casey College is not required to re-issue a qualification or Statement of Attainment awarded by other providers for an equivalent qualification, or the same units of competence.